Thursday, December 15, 2011

Haptic Technology

Haptic Technology

This week I chose to research haptic technology and interfaces. “Haptic technology is a tactile feedback technology that takes advantage of a user’s sense of tough by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user.” (1) This may sound simple enough but programing a device to simulate the human touch and feel is very difficult. Despite the difficulties certain forms of haptic technology have been used for years in video game controllers. The system will give the player feedback in the form of vibrations in the controller during specific actions in the game.
            Another are that haptic technology is being used is the field of Prosthetics. In 2007 DARPA funded a program called Revolutionizing Prosthetics. Kinea design developed a prosthetic haptic interface system to “return the sense of touch to amputees, and refine the control mechanism used for high-level upper limb prosthetic devices by enabling the amputee to have sensory input.” (2) The Haptic feedback from the sensors “allow the motor system to control grip strength, ensuring that fragile objects are not crushed, and that objects of all different weights, sizes and shapes can be held and not dropped.” (2) The eventual goal is to provide amputees a prosthetic limb that functions and feels as normal as the original limb.
            A more recent breakthrough in haptic technology came in just the last month. Researches at EPFL, a Swiss Institute of Technology, announced they have developed a new haptic touch system that could revolutionize touchscreens and portable devices. Scientists discovered that piezoelectric material will vibrate when a voltage is applied and by adjusting the voltage the physical textures on the surface of the material will change. (3) Being able to adjust the textures of buttons on touch screens can make typing on flat screens more like typing on a key board. It can also assist people with poor vision by giving them reference points to work and learn from on traditional flat touch screens.
            While Haptic technology may be the most difficult to incorporate into current technology the possible benefits can and will be enormous. Touch is only one part of haptic technology that also includes taste and smell. Once researches can incorporate all the senses into new technology we will be able to explore true virtual worlds.

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New York Giants


Buffalo Bills

My New York Giants will play the Buffalo Bills this Sunday at 1pm at the new Metlife Stadium.

The Giants have played:

  1. Washington Redskins
  2. St.Louis Rams
  3. Philadelphia Eagles
  4. Arizona Cardinals
  5. Seattle Seahawks
The Buffalo Bills have played:
  • Kansas City Chiefs
  • Oakland Raiders
  • New England Patriots
  • Cincinnati Bengals
  • Philadelphia Eagles
NY Giants Schedule

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