Thursday, October 27, 2011

Web 2.0

Web 2.0

The term “Web 2.0” was coined by TimO’Reilly in 2001 to describe the growing state of the web. “Web 2.0” is not anew version of the web but is more an evolution of “Web 1.0”. Web 1.0 consistedof static webpages that only offered information. Web 2.0 includes the original static websitesbut expands into interactive web experiences. Google, Facebook, MySpace,twitter, Wikis, blogging, Amazon, eBay and craigslist are all examples of Web2.0. (1)
Google takes advantage of the Web2.0 concept to deliver fast and relevant search results. The complex algorithmsused by Google will take user feedback to adjust the order of search results.If the 5th item on a particular search results page is clicked morethan the first item then adjust the results accordingly.(2) Google’s Mobile Appwill use speech recognition, frequent search terms and GPS location to quickena search and provide the most relevant search results.(2)
A Wiki can be created for any topic.There are Wikis for books, schools, specific subjects, videogames, andcompanies and even for Web 2.0. A Wiki is simply a web site that allowsvisitors to make changes, contributions or corrections. (3) Wikis are highlycollaborative and would not function without a community of users. EBay andCraigslist are both examples of companies using the idea of Web 2.0. EBayallows users to sell items on it’s website for a small fee. Craigslist letsusers advertise services and products for free.
Facebook, MySpace and Twitter areexamples of Web 2.0 in the social environment. These three sites alone may bethe most responsible for the growth of the web into Web 2.0. Facebook andMySpace consist of profile pages set up by users. People can sign on andprovide personal information and pictures to be viewed on their page. Thentheir “friends” can view the information and photos on the profile page. Userscan comment on others pages and photos and interact with a community of onlinefriends. Twitter is a purely user interactive site. “Twitter is a socialnetworking and microblogging service that allows you to answer the question, ‘Whatare you doing?’ by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called‘tweets’, to your friends or ‘followers’.”(4)
As you can see it is hard to preciselydefine Web 2.0 as it is has an ever growing definition. Currently it isdescribed as a user interactive web but in the future that definition mayencompass much more.

1. O’Reilly
2. WebSquared: Web 2.0 Five Years On

Free Shipping Model

This Free Shipping Model has 3 variables. They are gas Price per gallon, miles per gallon of delivery vehicle and miles to destination. By altering the 3 variables you can see the change in cost and profit. This can let companies decide on what produts to ship for free and how far they can be shipped.

HTML code

New York Giants


Buffalo Bills

My New York Giants will play the Buffalo Bills this Sunday at 1pm at the new Metlife Stadium.

The Giants have played:

  1. Washington Redskins
  2. St.Louis Rams
  3. Philadelphia Eagles
  4. Arizona Cardinals
  5. Seattle Seahawks
The Buffalo Bills have played:
  • Kansas City Chiefs
  • Oakland Raiders
  • New England Patriots
  • Cincinnati Bengals
  • Philadelphia Eagles
NY Giants Schedule

SQL Query


Spreadsheet Task